home News Shandong Arrow launches firefighting training and organizes actual combat drills

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address Address No. 47, Chengbo Lake Road, Jibei Street Office, Jiyang District, Jinan City, Shandong Province

Shandong Arrow launches firefighting training and organizes actual combat drills

2021-04-23 14:57:03

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In order to further do a good job in the safety management work of the “Safety Production Year Action”, in response to the frequent occurrence of safety accidents after the resumption of work in our city, our unit specially invited the Shandong Office of the Safety and Health Education Center on the morning of April 23 (Safety and Health Education Network Shandong Station) ) Full-time instructors, to explain relevant safety knowledge to everyone. Many managers and employees from various departments participated.

Fire knowledge training

Training instructors combined with typical fire cases in recent years to explain the daily fire management, compliance with regulations, basic common sense of evacuation, fire emergency and prevention, and the correct use of fire equipment.

fire drill

After the theoretical training, a fire practice drill was organized. During the drill, the instructor gave detailed explanations on the use of fire extinguishers, the use of fire hydrants, and emergency escape, and guided the operations on site.

Use of fire-fighting equipment

Fire emergency drill

The theme of this firefighting training exercise was clear, the atmosphere of the training site was lively, and the employees actively interacted with each other, which achieved the expected results. Through this fire-fighting knowledge training and fire-fighting drill activities, employees’ safety awareness and ability to deal with safety incidents have been enhanced, the comprehensive safety management capabilities have been further improved, the safety management foundation of our company has been consolidated, and the production and operation of Shandong Zhennuo’s intelligent equipment has created a sound Atmosphere.
