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Peanut plant protein meat

2022-08-01 16:18:22

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Peanut protein meat is also called peanut protein meat. It is based on high-quality peanut protein powder as raw material, using the international leading technology to open the spherical protein molecules into chain protein molecules and re-organize, after frying seasoning, and adding an appropriate amount of food additives and other spices, bagging and sealing sterilization made of high-protein, low-sugar, low-cholesterol high-grade nutritional food. The protein content is as high as 52% or more, rich in 18 common amino acids, which is easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Peanut protein vegetarian meat, the taste of flesh is strong, natural peanut flavor is outstanding.

Peanuts are chosen as raw materials to make plant meat because peanut protein is rich in amino acids, vitamin E and dietary fiber, and the chicken taste imitated by peanut-based plant meat still retains a little peanut taste, so vegetarian restaurants will skillfully use Sichuan cuisine to make it into spicy chicken and other dishes, covering most of the peanut flavor.

To produce plant-based meat with excellent aromas that resemble real meat, the selection and processing of plant proteins is key. Shandong Arrow Machinery Co., Ltd. twin screw extrusion extrusion technology has opened the market, plant-based protein processing currently has wet and dry extrusion two processes, wet extrusion is still in the scientific research stage, dry extrusion at home and abroad has many factories in large-scale production, technology is relatively mature. Peanut tissue (brushed) protein is made by using peanut protein powder as the main raw material, adding soybean protein, wheat protein and other excipients, and mixing and refining through a special extrusion and hydration process. It has a filamentous fibrous tissue structure similar to meat and is a protein source for a high-quality plant-based food.

First, peanut tissue protein content is high: is a plant protein with high nutritional value, 1-5 times higher than the protein content of meat, eggs and fish.
Second, peanut tissue protein fat content is low: the fat is far low dry meat, is a high protein, zero cationic sterol health food.
Third, peanut tissue protein has the inherent fragrance of peanuts, has a tissue structure similar to meat fiber, strong taste and good palatability.
Fourth, peanut tissue protein is rich in dietary fiber: filamentous tissue, rich in dietary fiber, can, gastrointestinal metabolism is good.
5. Peanut tissue protein is easy to cook: the taste is smooth and delicate, can absorb a variety of sauce colors and tastes, not greasy, more refreshing.
